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Enjoy the little things in life

quotes about friend (2)

A friend is someone who will catch you when you fall, dry your tears and tell you it will be all right, pretend to be happy just to cheer you up, never leave you by yourself, attempt to talk to you at least once a day no matter what, make you laugh when you're sad, call back if you hang up on them, make everything you two do together into something fun no matter how boring it is, always remind you of your inside jokes, finish your sentences, think the same way you do, follow you wherever you go, stop you from doing something stupid or hurting yourself, and they're always willing to give up something that means a lot to them because they can be sure you'll always be there in return, and because to them you'll always mean more than you can imagine.

Friends are like stars, they come and go, but the ones that stay are the ones that glow

A friend is someone who understand your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

A bestfriend is someone who when you show up at their door with a dead body they say nothing, grab a shovel and follow you

Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories

A friend is someone who knows absolutely everything about you... and still likes you.

"Friends are like television. Some are like PBS and always asking for money. Others are like the news, with sad tales to tell everyday, some are like that one station with the foreign language; you don't understand a word of it but you listen and watch anyway. And then there are the ones like the commercials, always changes, ever-so-annoying and only seem to be there when you are bored. But every once in a while you meet someone who's like a really good movie of the week or that one tv show you hardly ever get to see anymore because you're so busy. My point is hold on to the friends you care about and since we don't have a remote control to mute someone or just change the channel, pick your friends carefully."

They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to opentheirhearts to us.Show your friends how much you care. Remember to always be there for them, even when you need them more. For you never know when it may be their time to "Keep your fork." Cherish the time you have, and the memories you share ... being friends with someone is not an opportunity but a sweet responsibility. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND even if it means sending back to the person who sent it to you. And keep your fork.

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